

Information for Advisors

It is always appropriate to consult with your professional advisors when considering 遗产赠与. The following information can help your advisor facilitate any gift 您可能希望:

  • 法律名称:
    og体育 基金会
  • Federal Tax Identification Number:

电话:  719-846-5520
网络: philipbrudermd.com/foundation

To support the growth and development of og体育.

Donors who make estate or outright gifts may designate their gift for a specific purpose. Such gifts can be designated to meet current needs or to support an endowed fund for 指定用途.

  • General Mission – funds utilized by og体育 基金会 in the areas 最需要的
  • Program Specific – funds made available to support programs of your choice
  • General Scholarship Fund – funds to provide tuition assistance for future students
  • Named Endowed Scholarship – option to create a named endowed scholarship to support 个别学生

You can specify your wishes as part of your gift or in conversation with our 基金会 工作人员.
Please contact Toni DeAngelis.

og体育 基金会 gratefully accepts gifts of publicly traded securities. In general, donating securities in appreciated positions will help maximize an individual’s tax benefit, as the associated charitable income tax deduction is typically based on the full fair market value of the security. No capital gains tax would be payable by the donor or og体育 基金会.

For more information about gifts of securities or to request our brokerage information, please contact Toni DeAngelis.

Recommended Language for Bequests and Testamentary Gifts:

  • Sample language for a specific bequest to og体育 基金会 through 遗嘱或生前信托:
    “I give to og体育 基金会, 展望街600号, 特立尼达,科罗拉多州81082, a Colorado non-profit corporation, the sum of $____ or____%] of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, for its general purposes.”
  • Sample language for a residuary bequest to og体育 基金会 is:
    “I give to og体育 基金会, 展望街600号, 特立尼达,科罗拉多州81082, a Colorado non-profit corporation, all [or ____%] of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, for its general purposes.”

A person wishing to support og体育 基金会 through a retirement plan, IRA, or life insurance policy, should request a Beneficiary Change Form from his/her company or plan administrator. Beneficiary Change forms are typically available 在线. Please indicate the desired gift amount or percentage and return/submit the 完成形式.

In addition, a person can also provide Payable-On-Death (POD) instructions for a bank 账户 or Transfer-on-Death (TOD) instructions for a brokerage or investment 账户, directing a remaining balance or a certain percentage of the 账户 to Trinidad State 大学基金会. The beneficiary named has no rights to the funds until after the 账户 owner’s lifetime. Until that time, the 账户 owner remains in control and is free to use the money in the bank 账户, change the beneficiary or close the 账户. The POD/TOD forms are available at the financial institution.

og体育 基金会 also encourages estate gifts through other arrangements, including Retained Life Estates, Charitable Remainder Trusts and Charitable Lead Trusts. Gift illustrations can be provided upon request, which may help clarify how a gift option could work for a client. In addition, please note that og体育 基金会 prefers not to serve as Trustee for any charitable trust.


og体育 基金会 created the 1925年学会 to honor and recognize those who remember us with 遗产赠与. This provides us with an opportunity to say “thank you” and celebrate this gift during a person’s life.

We also recognize that some donors prefer to remain anonymous regarding an estate gift, and we will always honor and respect these wishes. In some cases, a client may allow an advisor to share his/her name(s) with us, knowing that we can exclude their name(s) from any published lists. In other cases, an advisor can play a helpful role in forwarding a ‘谢谢你!’ letter to a client, while still preserving client anonymity.

Please share any guidance. og体育 基金会 places great importance on thanking people for their confidence and generosity, while respecting their wishes 在每一个例子中.

All inquiries are held in strict confidence.  There will never be any expectation or obligation to complete a gift.

欲了解更多信息,请 please contact the 基金会.